„Gosławice” Fish Farm was established in 1967. It is located near Konin and Pątnów Power Plants and it was meant to profit from the heated water from the cooling system for breeding and rearing Cyprinidae thermophilic fish. In the large hatchery which was built artificial reproduction of carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp was successfully launched. The resulting hatch was sold to a number of farms in Poland. On small ponds, located near the hatchery and supplied with heated water, the production of hatchery brood of the aforementioned species was carried out. It proved to produce very good results, meaning up to 1.5 million pcs./ha. Bread hatch was sold both to large farms and small individual breeders from all over Poland.
In order to increase the cooling surface of the discharge waters, in the seventies, two complexes of ponds were built with a total area of 330 hectares, on which consumer fish breeding was started (carp, grass carp, bighead carp). Through the use of innovative technology – wintering of stocking material in net cages on the discharge channel of the power plants – ponds were restocked with material of very good quality. Using wholesome and organic feed and rearing in polyculture, production of 2000 kg/ha. was achieved.
In the nineties, began to new fish species were started to be looked for that can be grown in waters with increased temperature and thus increase the competitiveness of the company in the free market economy. Attempts were made breeding whitefish, pike-perch, tilapia, Paddlefish European catfish and sturgeons. Especially the last adapted to the conditions prevailing in the Farm and they are today the basis of production. These are the Siberian and Russian sturgeon and catfish. „Gosławice” Fish Farm is currently one of the largest producers of these species in Europe.
In 2001, the Farm was privatized and since then operates as an employee-owned company. It carries out fish farming activity on 2,000 acres of lakes and 500 ha of ponds.
For a few years at the beginning of the present century, fashion and the high demand for ornamental fish for ponds was taken advantage of. We have successfully grown and sold colorful crucians and koi carp, becoming one of the largest producers of these fish in Poland. Due to the risk of KHV virus, transmitted to farmed fish by koi, breeding ornamental fish was entirely abandoned.
In 2012, „Gosławice” Fish Farm became a major shareholder in Gospodarstwo Rybackie Olsztyn II limited liability company based in Rus (Warmia and Mazury voivodship) which includes two trout breeding facilities (allowing also breeding of sturgeon) and approximately 200 hectares of carp ponds. What’s more, the Farm features a fish-processing plant, modernized and equipped with modern production line for the production of caviar, so that top quality black caviar from sturgeons from Gosławice will be present on the markets and gourmet tables around the world starting from 2014.